Friday, May 20, 2022

Prima Facie

At first sight, you were more than 
just pleasing to my eyes. Even the 
ground on which you walked, appeared 
to be mesmerized by your graceful 
steps. Every repetition was an early 
glimpse of heaven in high heels. 

We enjoyed the luxury of squandering
the days of an aging summer, engulfed 
in a paradoxical maze of sunsets 
accompanied by a tender symphony. 
As skin brushed against skin and 
breathless nights paved the way 
for jaded mornings, 

I was drained yet pleased while pleasure 
resonated and doubt left. You and I 
both brandished our hearts on 
decorated sleeves. We were drawn to 
each other, you were a light and I  
was a moth, lost in the abyss of a 
silent introspective existenc

1 comment:

  1. This is where I will eventually explain the origin of the phrase Prima Facie to quasi-pundits. There are no Berets involved.


A Seventh Solitary Confinement